Tuesday, 8 December 2009


gila…hari ini gw baru ktemu sama tmn gw…dan gw dapet cerita dari di klo salah satu tmnnya blg gw udh putus sama cwo gw…hahhahah..can’t believe she tol u that …??what d’hell….btw…happy new year guys….ga ada sesuatu yang menarik untuk diceritakan dlm pergantian tahun saat ini..y kurang excited aja gw juga ga tau knp??…

anyway this why i called psycho art..ist… she so pathetic with her life,,, she created something that she called art…she cried almost every night,,,why can i created something believer…. damn fool… she had fall in love with this guy..without commitment…she cried why thi love still stay… without happiness,,, almost tears everyday coming…..my blood changed my tears… she almost cut her vines,,, she looked at herself… then she start talking to herself again…" why im so stupid with this love, i cry everyday, i have a life to move on,, i ain’t gonna stop my life for this love and this guy "….

that’s the end of the story….

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